
September 4, 2020 Membership

IWA Career Stories: Fionn Boyle

I always knew I wanted a career that reflected my values but growing up I didn’t realise I would find that in the Water Industry.  My journey isn’t atypical and as I went off to university to study Biological and Forensic Sciences, I wasn’t setting myself up for a career in construction where I’d spent my summers working since 16. However, upon reflection, there are definitely synergies between my reasoning to choose that course and why I love working in the Water Industry today.

My degree matched my values, I wanted to help people and do something that could make lives better. I had these ideas of being a medical researcher and finding the next big cure. I quickly found the practicalities of doing that certainly didn’t suit my natural preferences when it came to the world of work.

As a result, I came out of university and I was a bit lost. My friends seemed to have vocational degrees and had been planning what they wanted to do since childhood. They were well on their way and I felt I had just taken a step back. I returned to the Construction Industry with Barhale, a great employer and most importantly, I enjoyed the work.

I grasped any chances to deepen my technical understanding of asset delivery and it wasn’t long before an opportunity arose to join their client, Anglian Water. A six-month secondment with their Innovation Team quickly turned into a permanent offer and I began to understand just quite why the Water Industry was the place for me.

My time with Anglian Water has been dynamic, spanning four roles across a six-year period. During that time, I have gained a keen understanding of how both asset management and operational functions work to serve customers and protect the environment. I’ve learnt about the opportunity our industry has to effect change and provide environmental, societal and economic prosperity to the regions and communities we serve. It’s this sense of purpose that makes me excited to come to work every day and I feel lucky to have found somewhere that mirrors my principles.

Membership to the IWA has connected me to a global network of professionals and highlighted the common problems we face around the world. Attending events and webinars has provided a valued platform to share experiences and learn, especially through . I can appreciate the localised impact of my own work but realising the wider effect that is unlocked through the IWA network adds so much value. I don’t know if there are many other industries better placed to have a positive impact on society. It’s this sentiment that drives my work ethic and I want to share my knowledge and support anyone else in the industry starting out on their career.

I guess it would be fair to say that I didn’t plan to find a career in Water, but I know I have found the right place for me and there’s no doubt I plan to stay.

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Fionn Boyle

Shop Window Manager, Anglian Water Services
Fionn is a project engineer focused on smart water systems and a member of the Institute of Water in the UK. He also holds a place on Anglian Water Services’ Future Leaders board. He’s enthusiastic about the future of the water industry a... Read full biography